

トップページ > スケジュール

スケジュール / Schedule

新型コロナウィルス感染拡大の影響により今年度は「写真の町」東川町への招聘が困難なことから今年度に限り選抜校22校の東川町招聘は行わず、インターネットを介して、「平和」と「笑顔」をテーマとした6枚の組写真 計2作品を提出頂き、フェスティバル審査員による作品レビューと作品審査を実施する方式に切り替えます。
Due to the spread of COVID-19, it will be difficult to invite people to Higashikawa town in person this year. Instead, we will hold the festival through the Internet. The selected teams will submit 2 series of 6 photos in theme of ‘Peace’ and ‘Smile’. These works will be assessed by the Festival judges. Participants will also receive a review and critique
from the judges.

A 作品テーマ / Theme

〇テーマ1:【平和】 / Theme1:【Peace】
〇テーマ2:【笑顔】 / Theme2:【Smile】

B 作品応募規定 / Submission Rules

  1. 作品はデジタル作品に限ります。
  2. 作品は未発表作品(他のコンテスト等で入選されていない作品)に限ります。
  3. 作品は各テーマ毎に6枚の組写真を1作品として提出してください。
  4. 作品の提出は、メールによる提出とします。
  5. 作品のファイル名は、組写真の作品番号順の数字にリネームしてください。
  6. 『作品提出用紙』は必要事項を漏れなく記入し、PDF形式等にし、作品とともにメールにてお送りください。
  7. 提出作品は、主催等が行う展示会や印刷物やWebサイト、出版物などに無償で掲載することがありますのでご了承ください。
  1. Only digital photos will be accepted.
  2. Only unpublished photos will be accepted (photos which have not been awarded a prize in another contest).
  3. Submit a series of 6 photos for each theme.
    The submitted images must be taken in RGB mode, JPEG file format, and be over 1024 pixel size (long side of rectangle) and over 72 pixels per inch.
  4. Submit the works to the executive committee office by e-mail. If the file sizes are too large, please send them through a reliable file hosting service.
  5. File names should be renamed with numbers. (Example: "#1", "#2", "#3", etc.)
  6. Complete the 『Submission Form』 and send it by email with photography works. The submission form should be saved as PDF.
  7. Please note that any submitted works will be exhibited in exhibitions held by the organizer, used for printings and publications, and uploaded on the website without compensation.

C 提出作品応募締切 / Submission Deadline

Monday, November 20th, 2020 at 17:00 (JST) by email.
※The submitted works will be showcased on the festival’s official webpage from December 1st 9A.M.(JST).

D 審査員 / Panel of Judges

Two judges from overseas and two judges from Japan will access the works and give individual comments to each team.

E 審査方法 / How the award winners will be chosen

〇審査員チョイス賞 / Judges’ choice Award

The panel of judges will receive submitted works and choose one school team to give an award.
〇選抜校チョイス賞 / Students and Teachers’ Choice Award

Each team will vote for their favorite team.
※Voting for one’s own team is not allowed.
〇世界が選ぶチョイス賞/World’s Choice Award

This award is chosen by people around the world through online voting.
※voting time
From December 1st, 2020 until 18th, 2020 PM 5 o’clock(JST)

F フェスティバル賞 / Festival Awards Summary

賞/ Award 団体の部/ Team 副賞/ prize
Judges' choice Award
1校/ One team 次年度東川町招聘/
Invitation to the 7th Youth Fest,
held in Higashikawa Town
Students and Teachers' Choice Award
1校/ One team
2校/ Two team
※Award winners will be announced on the festival’s official webpage on Thursday December 24th, 2020 at PM 5 o’clock(JST).

G 作品レビュー結果 / Judges’ Review


A review of each team will be given on the festival’s official webpage (in both Japanese and English) by mid-February.