

応募要項(団体部門)/ Eligibility Application Guidelines for the Group Category

●応募資格 / Eligibility 

Teams must consist of three students who are enrolled in the same high school or its educational equivalent from anywhere around the world.
*Only one team per school can apply. If the organizer finds that more than one team from a school has applied, the team that applied first will be given priority.
*The principal’s name is required when your team applies. Please ask your school for permission to use the name. If unauthorized use is discovered, the organizer will not bear any responsibility.

●作品テーマ / Theme : 「地域の魅力」/「The Charm of Our Region」

●作品応募規定 / Submission Rules

  1. 作品はデジタル作品に限ります。
  2. 作品は未発表作品(他のコンテスト等で入選されていない作品)に限ります。
  3. 1校から1作品の応募とし、複数応募はできません。ただし、団体部門に参加していても個人部門への重複参加は可能です。
  4. 応募作品は6枚の組写真で1作品とします。
  5. 作品応募については下部の「応募ID申請」より順に進めてください。
  6. 応募作品は、主催等が行う展示会や印刷物やwebサイト、出版物などに無償で掲載することがありますのでご了承ください。
  7. 一次審査通過者へは後日、事務局より登録のメールアドレスへ別途ご連絡をさせて頂きます。その際に、在学証明証、学生証など各種教育機関に在籍していることを証明できる書類等を求める場合がございますのでご準備ください。  
  1. Only digital data is acceptable.
  2. The submitted works must not have been previously shown publicly or published and may not have placed in any previous competitions. If the organizer finds that the submitted images do not meet these requirements after passing the 1st selection, the advancement to the final selection may be withdrawn.
  3. Only one team per school may apply; however, it is possible to enter both the individual category and the group category.
  4. The submitted work must be a series of six photos. The photos should be taken in RGB mode, the file format should be JPEG, the size should be at least 1024 pixels on the long edge, and the resolution should be 72ppi or higher. The name of the work files must be numbered in accordance with the order: for example, #1, #2.
  5. To make a submission, please proceed by clicking ”Request Entry ID” below.
  6. Please note that the submitted works will be shown on our website, exhibited at exhibitions, and used for publications.
  7. Those who passed the 1st selection will be contacted separately by the executive committee later to the registered e-mail address. At that time, we might ask for a school certificate, a student ID, or other documents which proves your enrollment in an educational institution, so please prepare one of them. 

●応募受付期間 / Application Period 
2022年4月1日(金)~ 6月29日(水)17:00(日本時間)
Friday April 1st, 2022 to Wednesday June 29th, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. (JST)

●フェスティバル賞 / Awards

 賞  賞金  副賞
「写真の町」東川町賞(1校 )  30万円  東川町木工クラフト 他
 ひがしかわ観光協会賞(3校)  10万円
 北工学園賞(6校 )  5万円


Awards Prize money Extra prize
The Higashikawa “Town of Photography” Award One team 300,000yen (JPY) Wood craft made in Higashikawa
Higashikawa Tourism Association Award
Three teams 100,000yen (JPY)
Hokko Gakuen Award Six teams 50,000yen (JPY)

 *Prize money will be in Japanese yen

応募 / Application

   応募受付は終了しました / Application reception has closed